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Workers Should Be Paid For Their Work!

Every there are literally thousands of workers, who are not paid for the work they did.  Its called wage theft and it cost workers Billions of Dollars a year in lost wages.  For Free Lancers, Independent Contractors and Gig workers its even worse. With the exception of New York City, refusing to pay Free Lancers, Independent Contractors and Gig workers is legal.  In fact it one of the things Trump bragged about doing, not paying the people doing work on his buildings.

Workers Should Be Paid For Their Work!

Every there are literally thousands of workers, who are not paid for the work they did.  Its called wage theft and it cost workers Billions of Dollars a year in lost wages.  For Free Lancers, Independent Contractors and Gig workers its even worse. With the exception of New York City, refusing to pay Free Lancers, Independent Contractors and Gig workers is legal.  In fact it one of the things Trump bragged about doing, not paying the people doing work on his buildings. 

New York City is the only city in America to pass a law protecting Free Lancers, its called the Free Lance Isn't Free Act.  Its time for Philadelphia to do the same.

Writer's picturelancehaver


Updated: Jul 9, 2018

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